Turku – Finnland – Land der 1000 Seen /Finland

Wenn Schnaps, Teer und Sauna nicht helfen, dann ist die Krankheit tödlich. / If booze, tar and sauna don’t help, then the disease is fatal.

Finnisches Sprichwort / Finnish saying

When I arrived in Turku, Finland, by the sea, I was greeted by a wonderful silence. It was the perfect place to relax, take some time out and simply calm down. I looked out over the calm sea and enjoyed the relaxation. There was no rush, no noise and hardly any people here. In Finland, everyone seems to have a lot more personal space. For those who prefer the loud and hectic city life, Turku might be too quiet, unless they visit one of the bigger cities like Helsinki. Occasionally a cargo ship would pass by. But then I was surprised by a violent thunderstorm with intense lightning and loud thunder, which was really impressive. My only shelter was my small tent, a Salewa Denali IV, which is characterized by its high quality and durability. You are welcome to take a look at it and judge for yourself. It’s a robust tent for all weather conditions and can be pitched in less than 5 minutes without having to bother with threading tent poles – everything just clips together. It’s definitely worth a visit to Turku.

Was kannst du in Turku machen / What can you do in Turku?

Dom von Turku

Relaxen und Entspannen


Turun taidemuseo – Museum

Bootsfahrt machen

Einwohner/Population: 197.900

Daten/Dates: Finnland/Varsinais-Suomi/Turku

Berühmte Persönlichkeit/famous personality: Mauno Henrik Koivisto (*1923)

Turku Cathedral

Relax and unwind


Turun taidemuseo – Museum

Take a boat trip

Population: 197.900

Dates: Finland/Varsinais-Suomi/Turku

Famous personality: Mauno Henrik Koivisto (*1923)

Ich empfehle die zwei Reiseführer und das Salewa Zelt / I recommend the two guidebooks and the Salewa tent

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